Building Skill Tests @ Game Design Skills

I’ve been writing with for a while now. I’m a moderator on their discord, Funsmith Club, and I’ve been working with Alexander Brazie on a game design course for the past 4 years, and we’re currently teaching test lessons with a live audience and doing workshops with them!

I’ve also been writing articles for Game Design Skills. You might have noticed that some of the Depth articles on my site have gone missing. I’ve combined multiple of them into one article which is now hosted here on Game Design Skills. I’ve also published an article on game design pillars with them.

Today, I published an article on level design, or more broadly, skill tests and dynamic skill challenges, with Game Design Skills, which you can find here:

I am still going to be writing and publishing content to this blog, but I’m also going to be linking articles I get posted over there when they go up.

If anyone’s curious, I’ve still been developing Charmed Chains. I have a card database now, and I’ve created a process to automatically data merge the cards into a template for easy printing. I’ve changed the direction of the game fairly dramatically from where it was during the last playtest, switching to a focus on pump spells (“combat tricks”) and I’ve incorporated colors and color identity into the game. I hope to run a playtest at Evo when I go there next month!

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