Game “Loops” are an Illusion

Game Loop has become an industry-standard piece of terminology for video games. It’s taken as a default, a forgone conclusion, or necessary for a game to function. It has a role in game development similar to 3-act structure or the Hero’s Journey in storytelling. These structures are presented as inevitable, ever-present throughout history and culture, and essential to good storytelling or game-making, but many stories and games don’t follow these structures and are still successful and well-regarded.

Some people argue you cannot make a game without loops, or tell a story without 3-acts, or say that the Hero’s Journey is the monomyth from which all other stories derive, but there is nothing definitionally inherent to games or stories that necessitates these things.

Theories & Falsifiability

If we look at these things similarly to how one might regard a scientific theory, we have to ask: Is this explanation of storytelling or game design falsifiable? Is there something that could prove it wrong. If these patterns automatically apply to every single game and every single story, then why are we encouraged to intentionally create it or structure it to fit these patterns? If these things automatically apply, why should we put conscious effort into acknowledge them? If you can’t present a counter-example of something that doesn’t follow 3 act structure, or doesn’t exist in a game loop, then how useful and predictive are these theories? Rather than view these structures as inevitabilities, I think it’s more useful to view them as lenses that can be applied sometimes, but not all the time. There are already people questioning how useful 3-act structure is for video game stories.

One of the big challenges to 3-act structure is that people can’t agree on which parts of a narrative actually fit the 3 acts. The argument goes that for any given story, you can cut it into a beginning, middle, and end, but you could also cut it into a beginning and end, or into 4 parts, 8 parts or any number of parts. Why 3 specifically? Why is 3 good? Why is 3 inevitable? If 3-act story structure were falsifiable as a theory of storytelling, then we’d be able to say either, “Here are stories that are not 3 acts. They are not good.” or, “Here are sequences of events that are not 3 acts, they are not stories.”

If game loops were falsifiable as a theory of game design, we’d be able to say, “Here are games without loops, they are not good,” or, “Here are interactive systems without loops, they are not games.” If loops simply occur whether we want them to or not, how does awareness of them allow us to change anything? What makes a loop good or bad? What is this framing actually describing about a game, or allowing us to examine?

Do all writers necessarily write with 3-act structure in mind, and do writers who don’t follow 3 act structure produce good stories? If writers are able to produce good stories without following 3 act structure, and we can say their stories fall into 3 acts after the fact, then what’s the actual importance of learning 3 act structure? What does it allow us to predict?

If you look at the game loops that people present for games, it’s not always clear that they loop as cleanly as people might claim. For Minecraft, you might say that the loop is Explore > Harvest > Craft, but what if someone bounces back and forth between harvesting and crafting, and never explores? What if someone harvests as they explore but never crafts? What if someone harvests and never stops? Is this actually a loop, or is it just a list of things you can do?

If I play a Rhythm game, I could very well hit a non-repeating sequence of notes. Is this a loop, because I see note, then hit note? Is bouncing between song selection and playing songs a loop? What if I just let it autoplay songs for me? Does this mean that all songs are loops? Does this mean everything is a loop? Are stories actually loops? If we have an explanation that cannot be disproven by a counter-example, then we aren’t actually explaining anything, we have a tautology. String theory went through a similar problem, it was a mathematical reframing of physics that attempted to harmonize everything we know into a single theory, but it didn’t produce many testable hypotheses, so it couldn’t be disproven, but it also didn’t grant us any additional explanatory power over the world. Good scientific theories allow us to predict how the world works and give us a working knowledge of the universe.

Predicting & Understanding

Three act story structure and game loops, being framed as inevitable and inescapable, don’t allow us to predict what will make good stories or good games, only enumerate what’s already in them. If everything can be framed as a loop, then nothing is actually a loop, and looking at a game as a series of loops doesn’t actually help your understanding.

For contrast, I like to frame games as node graphs. I value complexity in games, which I frame as differentiated state space. My thesis is that these node graphs produce games with more differentiated state space when there are more edge relationships between nodes in the graph, and when the graph is more asymmetric overall. This allows me to predict that games with small groups of nodes that are isolated from one another, (ie. games with different modes of play with a small number of unique mechanics that do not affect one another) are complex as games that have large bunches of interconnected nodes (ie. games with a single mode of play with many mechanics that affect one another).

This theory of games has falsifiability. If there were a complex game with many isolated groups of small numbers of nodes, then it would contradict my theory. Since most games designed this way are not very complex and most games designed with more interconnected nodes are complex, I would argue that my theory largely holds up. You’re welcome to disagree or provide counter-examples of course.

I can also imagine games that contradict my predictions, but these games have many limitations. So this graph theory oriented approach is more of one method of creating a good game, rather than a definitive explanation for everything. Not to mention that it’s good as defined by my personal lens for quality, effective complexity, which isn’t exhaustive.

If we essentialize these structures as inevitable and essential, then they lose their predictive capability. If we view them as the one true way to success, then we prescribe quality to narrow adherence to a certain structure, when we know that this isn’t inherently true. I believe that these structures should be treated as lenses or templates, rather than facts of the universe. They’re a path to success, rather than the secret to success.

A Brief Disclaimer

Feedback loops are very real, and an important tool for any game designer. I have written about feedback loops before, positive and negative. It is entirely possible to build a game that structured around a feedback loop. Not every game is structured like a feedback loop; for example, Celeste, or any Masocore Game. You cannot obtain any permanent advantage or disadvantage, and everything is proportioned exactly to overcome the challenge right in front of you. Cookie clicker is designed as one massive positive feedback loop.

It’s a common component of competitive games to give out positive feedback to players that are winning to enable them to do better, as well as negative feedback to players that are winning too hard to stop them from running away with a victory. My card game, Charmed Chains, has a negative feedback loop built into the core mechanics: When one of your creatures is destroyed by your opponent, you get to draw a card.

My article is not criticizing all loops in all contexts, just this specific idea of “the game loop” as a lens for viewing all games.

The Takeaways

The real question here is, what are loops intended to describe? Loops are intended to describe timescales of play. How often am I going to make a decision that interacts with this layer of the game? Loops with only immediate action verbs are short-term timescales, also called Tactics. Loops that feature game systems with persistent or permanent payoffs are longer-term timescales, also called Strategies. Starcraft and other RTS players similarly talk about Micro and Macro to refer to moving army units and ordering workers, production, and building. Rather than trying to fit our games into some notion of a loop, I think it’s more helpful to consider how different actions in a game are tied to different timescales. Is the game satisfying on a moment to moment basis? Is it satisfying on a level to level basis? Is it satisfying considered across an entire playthrough? Are there choices and payoffs that tie into each of these timescales? When considered this way, we can tie these ideas more effectively back into my conception of depth: How do these different timescales come together to create unique experiences?

And as a matter of opinion, I think the moment-to-moment timescale is the most important one, and the most difficult one. It’s very easy for a game designer to draft up something like The Nemesis System from Shadows of Mordor. Games have had NG+ modes and other complications in them for a very long time. Long-term systemic consequences for game actions in the form of XP, stats, level variants, and so on can be balanced on a spreadsheet. However, building a strong melee combat system is tremendously difficult for even a skilled designer, and is exactly where Shadows of Mordor tripped up, which undermines the fun of everything else it does.

We also saw this type of thing happen in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain with its “Revenge System”. Enemies would “react” to tactics you used in a level, and deploy defenses against those tactics, which you needed to send soldiers on missions to remove. This culminated in almost every enemy outpost being covered in body armor, with night vision goggles, flashlights, and helmets. While this is a neat system, the game definitely could have invested more in its core stealth systems, creating more enemy investigation patterns, and having them do more to interact with you than simply spotting you faster and being harder to take down.

These types of systems are easy to invent, easy to describe, and therefore easy to market, even if they do require a ton of human effort from programmers and artists to implement. This makes them tempting. I think that in order to move forward on game design as a discipline, we need to look harder at the root mechanics that happen moment to moment. What types of skills are we testing? What types of interactions are we stressing?

By looking at these systems as different layers of timescale, we can contextualize games like a layered cake, and we can plan around how immediate decisions affect the short term (like attacks and dodging consuming stamina), how short-term things affect the mid-term (Using up your ammo means you need to buy more ammo later on), and how mid-term affects the long-term (Spending money on ammo lead to a hike in the price of bullets eventually, and enemies wearing more helmets).

I think this model of looking at timescales is probably going to be more valuable to designers than something as abstract and disoriented as a “game loop”. If game loops are meant to give games structure like storytelling acts, then I think we should be considering whether they’re the right tool to imagine that structure.

5 thoughts on “Game “Loops” are an Illusion

  1. C.J.Geringer March 20, 2024 / 4:12 am

    I agree with what you are trying to say, but I think you ar eusing falsifiability wrong.

    You say

    ” If game loops were falsifiable as a theory of game design, we’d be able to say, “Here are games without loops, they are not good.” ”

    However if it is falsifiable than we can say “Here are games without loops, that are good.” In other words a theory is falsifiable if ane mpirical example contradicts it.


  2. Daniel Cook March 24, 2024 / 9:41 am

    Hmm…how this essay uses ‘game loops’ is not the typical way that game designers use them. Game loops have almost nothing to do with the traditional narrative structures like the Hero’s Journey or Three Acts. That’s another universe of theory that many gameplay developers straight up ignore. 🙂

    You have hit upon some commonly held truths worth exploring more deeply.

    Games are networks of value. Could not agree more. If you haven’t had a chance, check out: Greg Costikyan’s concept of “Endogenous Systems of Value”, Joris Dorman’s Machinations framework or my much more mundane application of value chains.
    Pacing is an important concept for balancing loops: When game loops and arcs exist, they create a fractal pacing structure. And if you were to experientially record it over time, you get a sheet of ‘beats’ that looks exactly like the timescale diagram. The existence of loops
    It is really important to build predictive models: Otherwise a design theory is merely a fuzzy description and isn’t helping the design ask surgical questions that will improve their design. This exists for loops! For a deeper dive on loops and arcs as falsifiable systems, check out this deck on loops and arcs and skill trees. Basically at each step of an interaction loop, you can ask if the player is building a causal mental model. And if the answer is no, you can then debug the loop to improve it. This works at all the various time scales of a pacing diagram.

    All the best and very excited to see someone out there blogging about game design.


    PS. There is indeed a connection between game interaction loops and game arcs. This starts to get into game grammar, which is the study of abstract elements shared by all games and the topologies that result. Raph Koster has some good talks on the broader approach.


    • Celia Wagar March 24, 2024 / 9:48 am

      Hi Dan. I’m not implying that these narrative theories are directly related or the same thing, just a structural parallel in another medium that shows how game loops maybe aren’t the best framework either. I hope the doubt in those structures better sells the doubt I have in this one.

      Thanks for the observations! I’ve been blogging for 10 years, and I’ve read a lot of what’s out there, including what Raph’s written. My core approach is based on his “theory of fun 10 years later” talk.


      • Celia Wagar March 24, 2024 / 12:11 pm

        By the way, I’ve read Koster’s game grammar, I’m just not sure I totally buy it. I tend to think like a coder/writer/animator, so I’m a little skeptical of a lot of directed flow diagrams. It’s not a “I’m gonna write an article” on this thing, just my feeling.


  3. WJ March 30, 2024 / 3:04 pm

    Coming from both a professional game designer and a professional writer, almost none of the things in this post make much sense. It’s a hodgepodge of improperly used terminology and deductions from those terms in service of a conclusion that has little validity in practice.

    No one in game dev treats game loops as a “theory,” in no small part because that’s not how the word works? Theories are principles based on concepts/observations – game loops are structures based on actions and interactivity. This mostly derails the whole post on its own because the idea of “falsifiability” is dependent on the former definition, which can’t exist (and even if it could, it’s certainly not how designers use it).

    There are other relevant problems, like that there’s nothing about a game that necessitates a gameplay loop; or that if something is necessarily present in all things of a category, it’s unhelpful to be examined since it occurs naturally. At least the definition of a game here is a little debatable, but I can’t think of any game on this planet that doesn’t have a gameplay loop except those visual novels where the player makes no meaningful decisions. And that doesn’t make gameplay loops less valuable as a concept or less important to consciously, deliberately, and carefully design.

    If you’re baking a cake, you will always have certain ingredients, right? You still have to measure those ingredients – they still have to be added with specific other ingredients. There’s no way around that unless you want to make a non-cake that either isn’t a cake by definition, or maybe technically counts but is awful.

    A great example is something you bring up – that stories aren’t inherently 3-act structures, which is sort of true! Most modern writers consider it to be flexible at worst and completely unnecessary at best. But they generally agree on some core tenets of a story, whether or not it’s parsed into three specifically-formulated lines. There’s a start to a story. Even if it doesn’t start at the “beginning,” the start is what establishes the value of the story; what the audience is intended to be emotionally connected to. If there’s no connection, then it’s not a good story. The connection doesn’t even have to be conflict; you can be emotionally invested in the relationship between two people or even a person’s self-discovery. But the audience needs to be connected in some capacity.

    And believe me when I say that amateur writers bring in lots of scripts that have no beginning. Meandering stories where the characters aren’t properly introduced, there’s no conflict or interesting emotional value to be examined or engaged with. None of these scripts are ever good. Now maybe it’s possible that that’s just because the skill of the writer isn’t such that they can make use of a non-standard technique like that, but I also can’t think of a single established writer creating a script like that.

    Just because every story has to have some type of beginning doesn’t mean that beginnings are suddenly meaningless or shouldn’t be studied or carefully crafted. You breathe air every single minute of every single day, but if we added a bit of carbon monoxide to every breath, you’d sure as hell notice a difference even though you’re still breathing.

    If your argument is that designers could/should use more granular terms than just “gameplay loop, agree in a certain sense, but it’s generally not a distinction that matters. Combat, leveling mechanics, economy participation, these are all gameplay loops. Just like how being shot, having your company go bankrupt, and systemic racism are all problems.

    The phrase is generalized to talk about the systems of meaningful interaction in which the player experiences the primary gameplay mechanics. That encompasses a lot of territory, but:

    A. Not all of it; and

    B. It’s not there to substitute more granular itemization. “Combat system,” “leveling system,” and “game economy,” are all perfectly simple phrases we use when we’re talking about something more granular than the general gameplay loop(s). The phrase “gameplay loop” also helps us establish the inter-connectedness of multiple systems. In Pokemon, “battling” and “catching” feed into a more centralized gameplay loop that is most closely associated with the identity of the game.

    To wit, this whole post isn’t doing anything new; you’re just replacing “gameplay loop” as a general phrase with “timescale,” and I’d even argue that “timescale,” is inaccurate as a word unless you add the unspoken words that are implied: “timescale of meaningful gameplay choices and their consequences.”

    And that’s a gameplay loop.


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